24 mar. 2009

Leapsa are ceva cu mine, clar!

Leapsa culeasa de la Ioana.

1. Pune playerul pe shuffle.
2. Apasă „înainte” pentru fiecare întrebare.
3. Foloseşte titlul melodiei ca şi răspuns la întrebare chiar dacă nu are sens. Nu trişa!

1. How are you feeling today?
Fly Project - Kattrina :)) asta e o melodie vesela, de ce n-oi fi ascultat-o pana acum si de unde oi avea-o?

2. Will you get far in life?
The Pretenders - I'll Stand By You

3. How do your friends see you?
Nicu Alifantis - Luna in camp

4. Will you get married?
Iris - Baby

5. What’s your best friend’s theme?
D-12 - Shit on You nuuuuuuuuuu

6. What is the story of your life?
KrafTu - Puzzle

7. What was high school like?
Kamelot - Forever

8. How can you get ahead in life?
Luna Amara - Luni de fiere

9. What is the best thing about your friends?
Ice Cube - We be clubbing

10. What is in store for this weekend?
Emeric Imre - Juramant

11. What song describes you?
I Wayne - Can't satisfy her :))

12. What song would describe your grandparents?
Parazitii - Caz penal =)) hai ca asta e deja culmea

13. How is your life going?
Mihaela Popesc - Zurgalaul

14. What song will they play at your funeral?
Placebo - Peeping Tom

15. How does the world see you?
The Last Shadow Puppets - My Mistakes Were Made For You

16. Will you have a happy life?
Puff Daddy - Come with me

17. How can I make myself happy?
Vasile Seicaru - Mireasa Mea :)) clar, leapsa asta are ceva cu mine

18. What should you do with your life?
Howard Shore - The Sire

Dupa aceasta leapsa am aflat ca playerul meu sigur are ceva de mine. Ca un copil constiintcios, sa nu trisez, mi-am pus toata muzica din calculator si am mai aflat ca am o gramada de muzica de care nu stiu si n-am auzit niciodata.
De exemplu.. cine sunt Zale?
Zicea candva dale ca la mine lepsele astea la nimereala mereu sunt amuzante. Adevarul ca asa e.
Cu riscul de a ma injura, o sa ii dau leapsa asta tot lui Sim, astea cu muzicile sigur is pe placul ei.

1 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

:)) chiar e amuzant. cele mai funny raspunsuri la mine, din cele 18 : 1. How are you feeling today?-The Beatles- Lucy in the sky with diamonds.
4. Will you get married?- Vama- Tata taie porcu.
6. What is the story of your life?- Inna- Hot.
11. What song describes you?- Stefanie Heizmann- Like a bullet. 18. What should you do with your life?- The Beatles- Across the universe. pun pariu ca daca faci testul intr-o lista cu manele e mult mai funny :))