All that's best in you
You said you couldn's stand to see my heart broken...
So when you broke it, did you close your eyes?
it's sad when people u know become people u knew
When u can walk right past someone like they were never a big part of your life
How you used to be able to talk for hours and now you can barely even look at them.
Its sad that some times
Moving on with the rest of your life
Starts with "Goodbye"
She finally got tired of being second best
You were a sacrifice i didn't want to have to make,
but you gave me no other choice but to!
the girl who seemed - Broke
the girl who seemed so strong - Crambled
the girl who always laughed off - Cried
the girl who never stop trying - Finally gave up
The only people you need in your life
are the ones that need you in theirs
you're sad because you can't have her
but you don't realize
that there is SOMEBODY else who hides much deeper pain
for not having you...
you told me you would never leave,
i guess you lied and now i'm hurt.
i think the worst part was that i knew this would happen...
My plan is to forgive and forget,
forgive myself for being stupid,
and forget you ever existed.
I wish I was strong like I use to be
Before hurt and pain...
You know who you are and what I mean
You know that you are... a part of my dream.
Never allow someone to be your priority
While allowing yourself to be their option.
I'm something yo'll regret losing.
you're sad because you can't have her
but you don't realize
that there is SOMEBODY else who hides much deeper pain
for not having you...
You can only push a girl away for so long
Until she walks out of your life on her own
So be careful and make sure this is what you want
Because once she turns around
She isn't coming back.
walk right past me, i'm used to it
i'm that kind of girl you can hear from miles away
the kind that if you're sad it's her job to make you happy
the kind of girl who keeps messing up and saying "ups, sorry"
i get so mad at the simplest things,
but i'm also the girl who holds everything.
you ask me what's rong, i'll just lie and smile saying "oh, nothing"
the girl who's afraid to love, because she already lost so much.
when you start to miis me,
remember you let me go!
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Intr-o viata fara sens, circulam pe contrasens
4 mar. 2009
Despre mine
Uneori sunt rea, capricioasa si alintata. Sunt repezita si uracioasa daca imi propun asta. Imi place sa ascund faptul ca de fapt sunt o visatoare, imi place sa par adult puternic cand de fapt am ramas pe undeva pe la 15 ani, as vrea sa scriu, sa visez, sa zbor uneori, imi place sa ma iubeasca lumea si sa am persoane de care sa-mi fie drag... imi plac narcisele albe, primavara, capsunele, mirosul de pepene galben, tot ce e verde si Sandy Bell. Imi place sa rad dar si sa fiu trista in lumea mea...
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1 comentarii:
"Trebuie sa-ti iei liber, cel putin pentru un timp, daca vrei sa cunosti si sa masori. Numai dupa ce ai parasit orasul realizezi ca turnurile se inalta deasupra caselor."
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