4 iun. 2009

The most perfect act of love is sacrifice

Am cautat vreo saptamana scena asta.
Si nu ca m-a cam obsedat pe mine serialul asta si mai ales povestea celor doi... ci pentru ca, din nefericire pentru mine, asta numesc eu IUBIRE.
Asta inteleg eu prin iubire...
The most perfect act of love is sacrifice

"I was reminded today in a roundabout way that the most perfect act of love is sacrifice. As for Keith did for Karen. Burying his feelings for her for all those years, so he could be a good friend. I love you, lucas. And I think I have since the first moment we locked eyes. And it is gonna suck! But if what you want is for me to let go, then I'm gonna do it. Be happy, Luke. I want that with all my heart."

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