6 feb. 2009

Everybody wants to be happy

No one will ever love you as much as I do. Why isn't love enough?

Weekendul trecut am vazut Closer. Um film care iti cam f... creierii ca sa vorbesc in termeni liberi fara sa ma reclame nimeni.
In fine, mi-a placut filmul, desi nu e tocmai potrivit pentru depresivi ca mine carora ar trebui sa li se dea voie sa se uite doar la telenovele si la povesti cu final fericit.
In fine... au fost mai multe faze dragute in film, dar mi-a ramas o replica si o imagine in mine.
Mai intai replica (o pun cu context):
- Everybody wants to be happy.
- Depressives don't. They want to be unhappy to confirm they're depressed. If they were happy they couldn't be depressed anymore. They'd have to go out into the world and live. Which can be depressing

Si secventa (pentru care am scos si filmul, ca o depresiva ce sunt):

1 comentarii:

Chip spunea...

secventa asta chiar are efect :D acuma am si caut filmul